KUSEF Staffs

    We would like to thank you for your commitment sharing your time and energy for the KUSEF fair and competition that have been held in Korea and USA. We appreciate your willingness to offer your services and help during the events.

    Chairman of the Board

                Dr. Sooyong Kim, Chairman of the KUSEF  
    • Professor of Physics, KAIST
    • Chairman of the Science Gifted Education Committee of the Ministry of Science and Technology
    • Director of the Cyber Gifted Education Center, KAIST
    • President of the Korea-US Science and Technology Association
    • Graduated from Seoul National University and Columbia University


    Vice Chairmen of the Board

    Dr. Yongjin Choi, Pharm. Researcher, Graduate of UC Berkeley

    Dr. Woojoo Kim, Geological Researcher, Graduate of Seoul National University

    Mr. Jinwon Kim, Aeronautical Researcher at KIST, Graduate of KAIST


    Judges and Reviewers

    Dr. Sooyong Kim, Editor-in-Chief, Seoul National University, Columbia University, KAIST

    Dr. Kwangjin An, Senior Research Editor, Seoul National University, UC Berkeley

    Dr. Yongjin Choi, Senior Research Editor, UC Berkeley,  Daewoong Pharmaceuticals

    Dr. Soohyun Kim, Senior Research Editor, Seoul National University, Columbia University, KIST

    Dr. Hyun Kim, Senior Research Editor, KAIST, Columbia University

    Dr. Seung-min Park, Senior Research Editor, Cornell University, Stanford University

    Dr. Kyungmin Choi, ESenior Research Editor, KAIST, UC Berkeley, Sookmyung Women's University

    Dr. Youngjin Cho, Research Editor, Seoul National University, Professor/Seoul National University Bundang Hospital

    Dr. Kwangmin Ahn, Mechanical Engineering Researcher at KIST, Graduate of KAIST

    Dr. Steve Chen, MIT, Former chairman of KUSEF

    Mr. Jaehoon Lee, K-Medicine Researcher at KIST, Graduate of KAIST

    Ms. Mary H. Woo, Co-Founder at Fillow Inc., Graduate of Phillips Exeter Academy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)

    Mr. Uhyun Choi, Graduate of Korean Minjok Leadership Academy, Columbia University

    Mr. Jinwon Kim, Aeronautical Researcher at KIST, Graduate of KAIST

    Ms. Elise Kang, English Literature, Graduate of NYU, USA

    Ms. Katherine Oh, School of International Studies, Graduate of Yale, USA

    Mr. David Pinol, Software Engineer, Germany

    Mr. Nikul Doshi, Software Engineer, India

    Ms. Andrea Kang, Business/Financial, Graduate of GWU, USA

    Mr. Alper Akin, Chemistry Teacher, Turkey

    Mr. Ibrahim Khalid, Arizona State University, Software Engineer, Pakistan

    Mr. Makana Tave, Cornell University, Hmanities/Management, USA

    Mr. Chris Escudero, Stoneybrook University, Financial/Management, USA

    International Marketing

    Mr. Taesoo Kang, Hyundai Automobile, KAIST

    Dr. Dongho Choi, Seoul National University, Sony Interactive Entertainment, USA

    Mr. Donghoon Chung, Seoul National University, Researcher at Hyundai Automobile

    Mr. Chris Escudero, Stoneybrook University, Financial/Management, USA

    Ms. Andrea Kang, Business/Financial, Graduate of GWU, USA

    Mr. David Pinol, Software Engineer, Germany

    Event Management and Operation

    Ms. Elise Kang and Ms. Youngsil Chun

    Domestic Marketing and Financial Management

    Mr. Minki Kim, GE Healthcare Korean Global Marketing Manager, Graduate of Seokang University

    Mr. Hyunchul Ko, Korea University, Hyundai Motors, Graduate of Korea University