• Passion has a role in leaders being able to inspire others.

    The KUSEF aims to highlight the incredible capability of students and encourage an unconventional, explorative approach to learning.
  • Leaders who create shared passion build emotional connections with others.

    Inspiring leaders maximise these connections to cultivate inspiring moments that ignite a spark in others. The spark results in action and passion sustains our endeavours post inspiration.
  • Stay motivated in research

    Motivation is an enthusiastic desire or willingness to continue making progress in a particular role, or to work towards a particular goal.

인문, 사회, 공학 및 자연과학

Unified Science has been a consistent thread since the 1940s in Howard T. Odum's systems ecology and the associated Emergy Synthesis, modeling the "ecosystem": the geochemical, biochemical, and thermodynamic processes of the lithosphere and biosphere. Modeling such earthly processes in this manner requires a science uniting geology, physics, biology, and chemistry (H.T.Odum 1995). With this in mind, Odum developed a common language of science based on electronic schematics, with applications to ecology economic systems in mind (H.T.Odum 1994) (Wikipedia).
KUSEF invites the submission of broadly defined innovative proposals or presentations as well as Unified Science fields 

대상 및 모집분야

  • 대상: 초등, 중등, 고등부 학생
  • 분야: 논문/작품심사 또는 발표심사
  • (A) 논문/작품 경시 : 제출자료 심사
  • (B) 발표경시: 발표자료 제출 및 발표심사

대회장소 및 스케줄

  • 포스터 발표장소: 서울대학교/연세대학교/KIST
  • (A)논문경시: 10/5 마감, 10/25 결과발표 (2024)
  • (B)발표경시: 3/15 마감, 4/12 대회/결과 (2025)
  • 접수: 온라인 접수(링크 참조)

인문 과학

  • Essential knowledge that unites humankind
  • Human essence to the spiritual principle
  • A comprehensive study on philosophy 

사회 경제 심리

  • Human behavior, individuals and societies 
  • Research on economic and business issues
  • Social, psychology and communications 

문학 예술

  • Creative thought and find inspiration
  • Develop your imagination with creative method
  • Creative procedures and technologies 

과학 공학 컴퓨터

  • Utilizes and invents novel methods
  • Investigation of problems arising in our lives
  • Concepts used in various fields of engineering

수학 및 융합

  • Keen observation and analyses
  • Nature and other related matters of life
  • Alignment to standards

수상 정보 (Awards)

Important Dates

(A-1) 논문/작품경시 응모분야: 지원서 및 논문 제출마감
  • 2024, 10/5
(A-2) 논문/작품경시 응모분야: 수상자 결과발표
  • 2024, 10/25
(B-1) 발표경시 분야: 발표자료 및 논문 제출마감
  • 2025, 3/15
(B-2) 발표경시 분야: 발표대회/수상자 결과 발표
  • 2025, 4/12

Available Research Categories

  • Sciences - Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Psychology
  • AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
  • History
  • Social science
  • Humanities
  • Art
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Education
  • Political science
  • Economics

Call for Submission of Work in progress Research

  • A work in progress research paper, often abbreviated as "WIP paper," is a document that represents an ongoing or unfinished research project.
  • Even though WIP papers are not considered final or fully validated research outputs, it's important to note that the WIP papers can be valuable for sharing and receiving feedback on ongoing research.
  • It is a common practice in academia and research to share preliminary findings, ideas, and ongoing work with peers and the academic community before the research is completed and finalized into a formal research paper or journal article.
  • Key characteristics of a work in progress research paper may include ongoing research. The research presented in a WIP paper is still in the process of being conducted, and the paper may provide insights into the research methodology, initial observations, or research questions being explored.