KUSEF, hosted and managed by Seoul National University, Havard university and other school's faculties and alumni, seeks to publish the best and most innovative scholarly manuscripts and study.
KUSEF invites the submission of innovative proposals for symposia and special issues on international relations defined broadly. A symposium consists of two to five articles on a common subject, published as a set in the same issue. Papers submitted together for consideration as a symposium are all judged by the same referees. Special issues, in contrast, are designed and edited by guest editors and include an introductory or concluding essay written by the editors. The goals of a special issue are to focus attention on promising ideas and important subjects in international relations defined broadly, and to advance the critique and development of economic or political theory in some way.
Proposals are submitted to the editors and should include the following elements:
KUSEF publishes high-quality review essays that survey new developments in a particular area of study, synthesize important ideas, and raise key issues for future scholarship. Review essays might be based on books but could also draw on scholarship that has been published in articles. Prospective authors can either submit the entire manuscript for review or they can submit a ten-page, double-spaced proposal detailing the body of research to be covered and the main themes to be explored. Promising proposals will be sent to two referees. On the basis of their reviews, which will be sent anonymously to the author, the editors will write a decision letter. The final manuscript may be sent back to the same referees or reviewed by the editorial team.
Please contact the editorial board for more information via email info@KSEF.org.